First American Investment, Inc. Medical Systems

Marketing-Outsourcing, Marketing- Leasing

Especially as a newcomer on the US-market or European market you are exposed to a high pricing- and competitive-pressure. The setup of marketing and the optimization of your concept usually causes charges, that cannot be defined clearly beforehand. 
Especially for small and medium enterprises we have created an excellent concept, to bring these pretty unpredictable costs into a clear and affordable framework.

With our business model we provide you an excellent optimization of marketing, by outsourcing of your marketing concept to a specialist like our company is one. Beside certainly increasing marketing-activities and rapid increasing number of sales, you coincidently have the effect of an instant cost-optimization.

Your risk of investment is decreased by clear facts and data.

By our marketing-leasing, you got absolute transparency and control over the marketing sector of your products. Especially the foreign companies take a profit at a high rate from this outsourcing-concept.

What do we guarantee to you with our concept?

  • Absolute experts for marketing take care for your products
  • You get the absolute control and protection of fair competition
  • The success of marketing is much higher as it is at an own distribution channel
  • The costs are lower and clearly calculable form the beginning
  • Our accomplishments are absolutely transparent
  • The located successes can be agreed contractually
  • A consistend defined volume of orders can be implemented
  • The costs for marketing can be assuredly lowered about mor than 30%
  • Our concept of marketing-leasing provides you the advantage of an investment with risk limitation, in accordance with all security aspects like protection of fair competition, etc

Let´s talk about it, we are looking forward to you!